Clone Designs

Recycled Interior Feature!

We are pretty excited to have been featured on one of my FAVOURITE blogs, Helen has created a beautiful website that supports creatives who have a passion for recycling & DIY. Go over and have a read of her blog and check out all the wonderful DIY ideas. 

Is wonderful having the support of such a talented lady!


We are finally online;)

It has been a crazy few months and I still feel like I am chasing my tail. A big thank you to all our supporters for your patience with us and our lack of website appearance on the net..

But finally the day has come that I have manage to set up our website, not without some hair pulling,swearing with the odd glass of wine to help get my head around the technology part. I am a instragram-er addict at best and occasional Facebook-er, but build and design my own website….. EEK!

I knew we needed a website desperately but it only kicked into reality after I attended an amazing talk by Kim & her DEP (Digital Enterprise Program) Workshop. The workshop is designed to help small business build their social profile and improve online presence, creating greater traffic to their small businesses. The talk is offered to all small business, to find out more information please click on the link

So happy I made the effort to go, as I left there with the determination to get our website built. We still have some bits and pieces to do, like add a shop, take LOTS of photos of all our designs, events etc but for now its a start.

Apart building this I have had my fingers in a few other projects, some of it was just for fun and relaxation. For those who don’t really know me, I tend to have chill out time painting, not house painting but art painting. And a few weeks ago I picked up my paint brushes for the first time in ages, however I tend to finger paint more as I like the mess it creates;). And I painted this – “Freedom”Image

I am hoping to enter this into an upcoming art exhibition that I am involved in ‘A Celebration of the Female Form.

Currently I am creating the magazine for this event which features many amazing artists & performers from all around Australia & internationally. The exhibition runs from 28th June 2012, see link for more information .

Very exciting project to be involved in as we are raising awareness of domestic violence and violence again women here in Australia and overseas.

So what do you do to relax? Paint, dance, sing….. sleep, sleep is good!


Meri Cherry

Adventures in Process Art


handmade vessels. unique, individual, innately practical. Made in Brisbane, QLD

Lazy Larry's Workshop

Things I do in my workshop.

Clone Designs

"let your imagination become a creation"

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.